Sunday, November 8, 2015

10 things to do on Dhanteras

Dhanteras is celebrated on 13th day of Krishna Paksha, on this day according to Hindu rituals people worship the god of wealth and wealth so as to be healthy and wealthy all the way round in upcoming year. What one need to do to get best effect on this Dhanteras is mentioned in this blog post:

1. Clean and decorate your premises with beautiful flowers and auspicious things, include good fragrance all-round your home and business offices. Move out or sell unwanted objects which are not working or of no use to you.

2. Do not give away any object or money to any one on this day, no donations, no free products only purchase things which is valuable to you. It is said that when anyone give something for donation specially money he may have loss of more money in upcoming year.

3. Purchase Silver, Gold, Utensils or any metal on this day, is will brings in prosperity to your life for the year long and add on to some profits and value to wealth you acquire. Mostly people purchase silver coins or silver jewelries this day and worship it at night.

4. Worship Goddess Laxmi known as "Goddess of wealth" with offering flowers, special food items prepared as prasaad, offering prayers with beautiful songs and praises of Goddess Laxmi. Read Shri-Suktam 11 times in evening after burning some Camphor and Ghee together.

5. Worship Lord Dhanwantri also known as "God of Medicines" in Ayurveda a part of 4 veda's of Hindu scriptures that is Artharv Veda. Lord Dhanwantri may always keep you and your family free from diseases and keep you healthy for the whole year.

6. If some one is ill in your family from a long time and no medicines are working on that person, at the day of Dhanteras buy new medicines in good hora and give that medicine for use to that person after worshiping Lord Dhanwantri for their good health and well being. Sudden positive chance of health is seen in that person.

7. Burn 11 clay diya in the evening is Dhanteras after puja and decorate your premises with those diyas, fill your premises with lights, candles and lamps to welcome Goddess Laxmi to your premises and shower her blessing to you and your family.

8. Take Blessing of all your elders, remember your ancestors and worship for good health of all your near and dear once this Dhanteras so that you may feel all-round happiness and prosperity near by yourself. When your surroundings are good you will also get flourishes.

9. Decorate rangoli outside your home door and draw Goddess Laxmi foot prints near your door as it is coming inside. You may draw it with vermilion or may use ready made foot prints coming now a days, this will brings in lots of good wealth to your home.

10. Offer Dhana and Gur (Jaggiri) to Goddess Laxmi and after worshiping, distribute it to all family members only. Do not give this to other people out of your home. Dhana and Gur is favorite food items of God Vishnu which is also liked a lot by Goddess Laxmi.

Wish you all a very happy, healthy and wealthy Dhanteras by


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