Monday, November 23, 2015

Effects of 12 Astrological Houses Of Birth Chart "KUNDLI"

Astrology is an art as well as science of predictions; in which past, present and future are been predicted with the help of birth chart of an individual. Birth chart can be created with the help of following details of a person i.e. Name, Place, Time of Birth and Date of Birth. With the help of these details astrologers who are specialized in making birth chart create the positions of 9 planets in 12 houses of 'Lagan' Chart which is the main chart of native. These 12 houses each having 30 degrees which total formed 360 degrees. At the time of birth each planets are placed in specific degree which describes in which house that planet is to be placed. 12 houses are divided into 12 zodiac signs which tells the characteristic of the particular house. Meaning of 12 houses of birth chart is described below:

1st House- House of self, self personality, height, weight, body structure, nature of a person, characteristics which may be positive or negative, body language, thoughts, inspiration, attitude and inborn qualities of a human being. These traits may very rarely change as these are permanent trait of a person.

2nd House- House of income, family, face, eyes, all kinds of benefits one can earn, these shows the frequency of cash or income. Second house is also a house for family members and from which kind of family person belongs to can be get through this house.

3rd House- House of Courage, Strength, Siblings, Communication and ears. It tell how person will communicate with the world around them, how their brother and sisters will be like. It also denotes people relationship with siblings and batchmates.

4th House- House of home, vehicles, own family, mother and comforts of life. This house indicate what kind of home the person will going to live in, what kind of luxury and comfort he may get in life. Various equipment, machines and gadgets they may own can be get through this house.

5th House- House of education, love and children; it indicates how your education will going to be; your mindset in education and studies matter, your children and  their nature as well as their behavior towards world. This house also denotes your loved once the person your love most in your life i.e. your lover.

6th House- House of daily life, enemies, competitors and diseases; this house helps in knowing about your enemies, court cases, debts people who oppose you in your life and relations that goes against you. It indicates your daily life style, workers around you, your subordinates or people working below your level.

7th House- House of spouse, partners, life partner, marriage and people of opposite gender. It is opposite to 1st house and indicates every things related to husband wife relationship and their nature and behavior towards native. It also represents business partners and supportive people in natives life.

8th House- House of death, rebirth, occult sciences, magic, sudden gains, receiving of benefits from unknown sources. It tells about longevity of a person, how much one must live in present how, when and in which situation person will leave this body. It denotes rebirth of a soul in the body.

9th House- House of religion, long distance travels, higher studies, blessing and luck person will achieve through out life.  It is a good bank of your past life deeds which is given to you as your gifts and present to be used in this life. This house indicates that how much religious the native is and their capability to learn and understand at higher level.

10th House- House of work, job, occupation, karma's, actions and father. It indicates what kind of work the native will choose and how much success one may achieve in his task of work choose by him for earning in life. It defines career of a person and their profession which pays them in return to live in this world.

11th House- House of gains, profits, society around native, interaction with world and people around the native. It majorly denotes profits and gains person may acquire in business and profession. It is what people what more in life i.e. benefits from someone of something.

12th House- House of expenditures, losses, departure of soul, past life deed and debts. it show that where person will expend in their life in which sector of life native will give his money to buy those needs.This house shows reincarnation and past life deed done by person. bad deeds are counted over here and in this birth native have to repay it before death.

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